New Hope Charter School
Annual Meeting of the NHCS Board of Directors
Date and Time
Monday July 22, 2024 at 4:30 PM
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens
Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are
distributed to
all, or majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 201Jessie
Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, New Hope
School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with
disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order
participate in Board meetings are invited to contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director at
[email protected]
Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference need not give their
name when entering the conference call.
If you have questions or need any assistance in participating in the New Hope Charter School
Board meeting, please contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director at
[email protected]
Directors Present
Jeff Kreiser (remote), Kim Howard (remote), Lisa Fong (remote)
Directors Absent1 of 4Powered by BoardOnTrack
Guests Present
Anjam Khan (remote), Herinder Pegany (remote)
I. Opening Items
Jeff Kreiser called a meeting of the board of directors of New Hope Charter School to
order on Monday Jul 22, 2024 at 4:39 PM.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the agenda.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
4:40 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Consent Agenda
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the minutes from 6/24/24.
Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
4:41 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
III. Reports
Consideration of Board Meeting Calendar Dates
LF - possible to push back start time (or meeting day) for 3/10/25 and 5/12/25? Can
revisit in September.
Student/Parent Handbook
KH - Talking Points
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony policy
• Goal for parent conferences/progress-monitoring sooner in the year. Reserve a
week of appointments? Every student 1st semester; As needed 2nd semester
• Process - deliberate checkpoints
Call the Meeting to OrderA.
Record AttendanceB.
Approve AgendaC.
Approve Minutes from June 24, 2024 NHCS Board MeetingA.
Executive Director's ReportA.2 of 4Powered by BoardOnTrackNew Hope Charter School - Annual Meeting of the NHCS Board of Directors - Minutes - Monday July 22, 2024 at 4:30 PM
• Trimester progress-reports, required if student is at risk for failure/below grade
level standards in subject. Mailed at 6 wks, report card and 12 wks. Weekly grade
checks with students. Need to set appointments for follow up conference with
• Q System, grade checks
• Need for positive, personal, specific communication rhythms with families
• HP & AK - Will draft a process doc for review in September
Staff report back 8/1/24 for 24-25 school year professional development
Independent Study Policy
Community service on campus grounds, local church
Draft of Executive Director Evaluation Process
• For growth and improvement
• HP - This year familiarize with tool, personalize for NHCS
• Before September, HP self-evaluation, set goals
Board Recruitment
LF - make an appointment with Board on Track representative review assessment
results, strengths and gaps.
IV. Discussion Items
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the NHCS Student-Parent Handbook for 2024-25.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
Legal team to review before printing/sharing this school year
6:00 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the NHCS Independent Study Policy for 2024-25.
Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
6:01 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
No changes made. Already approved. Table discussion on possible changes to
September meeting.
Consideration and approval of NHCS Student-Parent Handbook for 2024-25A.
Consideration and approval of NHCS Independent Study Policy for 2024-25B.
Consideration and approval of (if updated) 2024-25 NHCS Board Meeting CalendarC.3 of 4Powered by BoardOnTrackNew Hope Charter School - Annual Meeting of the NHCS Board of Directors - Minutes - Monday July 22, 2024 at 4:30 PM
V. Other Business
VI. Closing Items
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Lisa Fong seconded the motion.
6:03 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:03 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Fong
New Hope Charter School
New Hope Charter School Board
Regular Meeting
Date and Time
Monday February 26, 2024 at 4:30 PM
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
School Office
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens
Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to
all, or majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 201Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, New Hope Charter
School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, at [email protected]
Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference need not give their name when entering the conference call.
If you have questions or need any assistance in participating in the New Hope Charter School Board meeting, please contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, at
Directors Present
Powered by BoardOnTrack 1 of 4
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday February 26, 2024 at 4:30 PM
Jeff Kreiser (remote), Kim Howard (remote), Lisa Fong (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Anjam Khan (remote), Casey Jower (remote), Herinder Pegany
Kim Howard called a meeting of the board of directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday Feb 26, 2024 at 4:38 PM.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to Approve revised agenda.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kim Howard Aye
Lisa Fong Absent
Jeff Kreiser Aye
No public comment was requested by staff or members of the public.
III. Consent Agenda
Kim Howard made a motion to Approve prior meeting minutes from December 11, 2023. Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Absent
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Powered by BoardOnTrack 2 of 4
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday February 26, 2024 at 4:30 PM
metrics and actions. Casey Jower, NHCS Fiscal Team Lead, completed the mid year expenditures portion.
The Fiscal Update and FY 2022-23 consolidated audit will be presented at March 11, 2023. Marcy Kearney, lead auditor, from Christy White, Inc will present this information on March 11, 2023.
Consideration and approval of 2022-23 NHCS School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
This item was tabled until the March 11, 2023 NHCS Board meeting.
Herinder Pegany and Anjam Khan
Please see notes about this item in the Executive Director's report.
Consideration and approval of 2024-25 Academic Calendar for New Hope Charter School.
Kim Howard made a motion to Approve the Academic Calendar.
Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Powered by BoardOnTrack 3 of 4
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday February 26, 2024 at 4:30 PM
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Herinder Pegany
New Hope Charter School
New Hope Charter School Board
Regular Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 9, 2023 at 4:30 PM
New Hope Charter School
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens
Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to
all, or majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 201Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, New Hope Charter
School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, at [email protected]
Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference need not give their name when entering the conference call.
If you have questions or need any assistance in participating in the New Hope Charter School Board meeting, please contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, at
Directors Present
Powered by BoardOnTrack 1 of 5
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday October 9, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Jeff Kreiser (remote), Kim Howard (remote), Lisa Fong (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Casey Jower (remote), Herinder Pegany
Jeff Kreiser called a meeting of the board of directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday Oct 9, 2023 at 4:33 PM.
Kim Howard made a motion to Approve the consent agenda.
Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
None present to comment.
III. Consent Agenda
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the minutes from New Hope Charter School Board on 07-19-23.
Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Powered by BoardOnTrack 2 of 5
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday October 9, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Fantastic start to the school year, two months in
one week earlier
instruction/intervention during break
made in the last three weeks
HP and AK - met individually with staff who would need to roll back hours/reduced
schedules (none of the contracted teachers):
(from 8 hrs)
Casey Jower highlighted:
Net Surplus (deficit) - not to exceed 5%
HP voluntary reduction of salary (50%)
Powered by BoardOnTrack 3 of 5
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday October 9, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Potential impacts with future expansion Grades 9-12
Attrition rate - 10% anticipated
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the 2023-24 NHCS Student-Parent Handbook. Kim Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kim Howard Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Consideration and approval of 2023-24 Independent Study Policy for New Hope Charter School.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the 2023-24 Independent Study Policy for NHCS. Kim Howard seconded the motion.
Review with legal counsel from Young, Minney, & Corr.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
Powered by BoardOnTrack 4 of 5
New Hope Charter School - New Hope Charter School Board - Minutes - Monday October 9, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Consideration and approval of 2023-24 CTC Declaration of Need for New Hope Charter School.
Links and requests need to be updated. Table for vote at future board meeting.
How are assessments (diagnostic, benchmarks at end of trimesters) driving instructional decisions? How is academic progress being monitored?
VII. Closing Items
Lisa Fong made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
5:24 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Kim Howard Aye
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:24 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Fong
New Hope Charter School
Date and Time
Monday June 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens
Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to
all, or majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 201Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, New Hope Charter
School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order participate in Board meetings are invited to contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director at [email protected]
Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference need not give their name when entering the conference call.
If you have questions or need any assistance in participating in the New Hope Charter School Board meeting, please contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director at
Directors Present
Jeff Kreiser (remote), Kim Howard (remote), Lisa Fong (remote)
Directors Absent
New Hope Charter School - Regular BOARD MEETING Agenda New Hope Charter SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Minutes - Monday June 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Guests Present
Bryan Adams (remote), Herinder Pegany
Jeff Kreiser called a meeting of the board of directors of New Hope Charter School to
order on Monday Jun 26, 2023 at 4:42 PM.
No action was taken.
Open Session resumed at 6:02.
Modification to agenda: Approve both minutes from Special Board Meetings from June 5
and June 7.
Kim Howard made a motion to Modify agenda to approve both June 5 and 7 Special
Board Meeting Minutes.
Jeff Kreiser seconded the motion.
6:04 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meetings on June
5 and 7. Special Board Meeting on 06-05-23.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
6:05 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
New Hope Charter School - Regular BOARD MEETING Agenda New Hope Charter SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Minutes - Monday June 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Roll Call
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 06-07-
Lisa Fong seconded the motion.
6:05 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
Kim Howard Aye
III. Reports
Lisa Fong and Kim Howard shared their thoughts on the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony.
Herinder discussed rigorous requirements for being able to promote, and individual family
conversations and phone calls he made. Updates were shared on current enrollment for
Claudia Bermudez did a wonderful job organizing the event, engaging families and the
wider school community.
Executive Director Herinder Pegany gave an update on current enrollment for 23-24
school year:
K-6:12 students
7th Grade: Goal of 130 students, near 100 now
8th Grade: 80 returning students (10% attrition budgeted), 5 new enrollees
Bryan Adams went over the NHCS Budget for 2023-24. He referenced the Summarized
Format 2023-23 Budget.
The budget reflects no SPED program. District error on ADA still needs to be addressed
and is affecting budget, negative fund balance.
Bryan when into greater detail with the NHCS 5 Year Budget. There are some deficits
regarding grant funding that we don't have control over. The Budget Surplus (deficit) -
estimated actuals will change.
New Hope Charter School - Regular BOARD MEETING Agenda New Hope Charter SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Minutes - Monday June 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Comps document had been provided for ED position and revenue at other local charter
In the future, consider including student population number.
Board recognizes being an ED for a startup school has unique challenges, stressors, and
need for an experienced skill set.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve 2023-24 Executive Director Employment
Lisa Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kim Howard Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the NHCS 2023-24 Budget.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
6:43 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Fong Aye
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Consideration and approval of NHCS Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2023-24.
Herinder had shared the presentation that was given to families and the Robla Board on the LCAP the Board had approved.
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2023-24.
Lisa Fong seconded the motion.
6:45 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Consideration and approval of 2023-24 Lease Agreement between New Hope Charter School, LLC and New Hope Charter School.
New Hope Charter School - Regular BOARD MEETING Agenda New Hope Charter SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Minutes - Monday June 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Herinder and Bryan had evaluated the market value for rent. SB 740 has the rent
reimbursement for charter schools at 50-75%. We have currently been reimbursed 60%
but anticipate more.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve 2023-24 Lease Agreement between New Hope
Charter School, LLC and New Hope Charter School.
Kim Howard seconded the motion.
6:48 pm
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jeff Kreiser Aye
Lisa Fong Aye
Kim Howard Aye
Herinder will share proposed dates for the 2023-24 Board Meetings for approval.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Fong
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
December 12, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:35 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 4:35 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2022
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the prior Board Meeting.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:40 pm
The Board had the opportunity to ask Herinder and Bryan questions and learn further details on the 2022-23 First Interim Reports.
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS 2022-23 First Interim Financial Report.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:09 pm
Next Board Meetings are March 13, 2023 and June 26, 2023
VII. Adjournment
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The meeting was adjourned at 5:11 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
December 12, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
November 7, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:33 pm
Name of presiding officer: Kim Howard
Kim Howard called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 4:33 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:34 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from June 27, 2022; June 30, 2022; and July 15, 2022.
○ The 2021-22 enrollment shows an overrepresentation in the following subgroups, compared to RSD: African American, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, and Students with Disabilities.
○ There is underrepresentation among: Asian, White, Homeless Youth, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged/SD. However, the last subgroup was
underreported, possibly as an oversight since the school was new (30 or so forms not reported on CDE/CALPADS). The updated number of SD in the last school year was 88%, not 56%, which represents a significant difference in funding.
○ ELA CAASPP results were Orange -63, with 27% meeting or exceeding the standards.
○ Math CAASPP results were Red -123, with a small handful meeting or exceeding the standards.
○ Many students were in the Nearly Met Category. We are mindful of the impact of learning loss in distance learning for nearly two years, as they were continuing in distance learning until the facilities opened early in 2022.
○ In the English Learner Performance Index (ELPI), about 24% of students showed improvement/increased a level. The current 8th graders are responding and showing growth from the 7th grade year.
There is a sense of urgency to catch up, make progress, and prepare for high school, focusing on individual student progress.
○ Family “Back to School” Learning Nights
○ Initial and ongoing Home Visits
After home visits, staff goes through a process of Community Asset Mapping. Staff looks at the community with assets - not deficits - in mind.
○ Title I, Part A: Nearly 80% of NHCS scholars qualify for National School Lunch Program (actual numbers might be closed to 90%)
○ Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction): Professional learning ○ Title III English Learner: Nearly 33% of NHCS scholars
○ Title III Immigrant: 7 NHCS scholars are newcomers
○ Title IV, Part A (Student and School Support): Technology, enrichment, and inclusion
have been made. Last year’s policy approved eight students continuing with independent study for the remainder of the school year. The policy can accommodate students needing to travel or with medical needs. All of the work is asynchronous, with a weekly live check in with the assigned teacher.
○ November 7, 2002
○ December 12, 2022
○ March 13, 2023
○ June 26, 2023
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the application.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:27 pm
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the policy.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:31 pm
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the policy.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:35 pm
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the calendar.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:37 pm
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the declaration.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:47 pm
○ December 12, 2022
○ March 13, 2023
○ June 26, 2023
The meetings will include updates pertaining to finance, student data, and demographics. VII. Adjournment
Kim Howard made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
November 7, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
July 15, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:34 pm
Name of presiding officer: Kim Howard
Kim Howard called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Friday, July 15, 2022 at 4:34 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:35 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: No items to approve.
○ Enrollment/ADA/LCFF Projection
○ Financial Projection
○ Budget Metrics
○ Multi-year Projection Detail
○ Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the updated NHCS 2022-23 Budget. Seconded: Kim Howard
Kim Howard: Aye Lisa Fong: Aye Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:03 pm
VII. Adjournment
Kim Howard made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Jeff Kreiser: Absent
The meeting was adjourned at 5:06 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
July 15, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
June 30, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:34 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 4:34 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:34 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: No items to approve.
○ EL Performance Assessment
○ CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress ○ ELPAC (English Language Performance Assessments of California)
○ IXL Math and ELA (used as interims/benchmarks)
○ Absenteeism and Suspension
Progress has been made on all growth measures. New growth goals have been set for the 2022-23 school year.
○ Financial Projection
- Will be revised in late August/mid-September when enrollment is
more firm
○ Enrollment Projection
- Currently at 237. Goal is 250. Max is 300.
○ Staffing Projection
- 12 Full time Teachers, 8 Admin./Clerical, 5
Paraprofessionals/Teachers Aides
○ Multi-Year Projection
○ Budget Metrics
- Estimates consider causes for attrition and inflation.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the NHCS 2022-23 Budget.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:22 pm
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the NHCS LCAP for 2022-23.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:23 pm
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the 2022-23 Executive Director Employment Agreement.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:23 pm
VII. Adjournment
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
June 30, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
June 27, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:40 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 4:40 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:43 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from May 2, 2022
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:44 pm
August 1: Staff returns
August 8-10: 7th Grade Orientation (half days)
August 15: First day of school
VII. Adjournment
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
Kim Howard: Absent
The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
June 27, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
May 2, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:47 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 4:47 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:48 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from March 29, 2022
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the prior Board Meeting.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:48 pm
park. A joint use agreement may be established with the City Planning Council. The expanded use would allow for facilities for sports and the arts. Both Robla School District and Twin Rivers Unified School District have been notified of NHCS’s intention to file an application for new construction funding with the Office of Public School Construction under the Charter schools Facilities Program.
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the NHCS application for EDD SDI participation. Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:14 pm
authorized to act on behalf of NHCS.
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS ESSA Application for Funding. 3
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye Kim Howard: Aye Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:16 pm
VII. Adjournment
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
May 2, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
March 29, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:35 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, March 29, 2022 at 4:35 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Per Herinder Pegany, Item E on Expanded Learning Opportunities is to be removed from the agenda, as it was discovered middle school students are ineligible.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:37 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from March 21, 2022
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the prior Board Meeting.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:38 pm
- Title I addresses academic achievement and progress towards grade level standards due to learning loss.
- Title II addresses professional development to meet the needs of English Language Learners, immigrant families, and parent
- ESSER II & III have 6-7 recommended actions to use the emergency release funds due to COVID.
Funding would allow the existing program to accommodate 110 students, extend the end time from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and increase the ratio of 10 students/1 staff.
The Board had the opportunity to ask Herinder questions and learn further details on the funding applications.
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS LCAP Federal Addendum. Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 4:49 pm
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS ESSA Application for Funding. Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 4:49 pm
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the NHCS 2021-22 ESSA Assurances. Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 4:50 pm
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the NHCS ASES program application. Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 4:50 pm
Next Board Meeting May 2, 2022 at 4:30 pm. Consideration and encouragement to eventually meet in person, increasing access for our constituents.
At the next meeting, we will take an online module to train board members, “Board on Track: Governance Training.” It is about one hour long and made possible through a $4,500 charter school grant. Following modules will include Fiscal and Academic trainings.
VII. Adjournment
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
March 29, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
March 21, 2022 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:34 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, March 21, 2022 at 4:34 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:35 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from March 14, 2022
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the prior Board Meeting.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:35 pm
Health and safety procedures are aligned with practices in place in Robla School District. Weekly Covid testing has been available at Glenwood Elementary. Updated safety procedures allow for parents to schedule visits for observation and guest speakers. Staff data in regards to Covid vaccinations is on record. Families will be notified of the student vaccination requirement in the future when a mandate is established. Two students are currently enrolled in the Independent Study Program. Expanded learning opportunities include after school enrichment, additional classroom support staff, and summer programs. Summer 2022 learning recovery programs will address students’ academic and/or social emotional needs.
Total funds received are $528,028. All of the funds will be used to address lost instructional time through Instructional Coaching, Intervention Assistants (five additional staff), and Counselor and Social Worker training on Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) and mental health supports. Frequent community input has influenced the development of the plan, which addresses some of the following demographics and their needs amond NHCS students:
- More than 90% students are eligible for Free and Reduced Priced Meals. - 37% of students are English Language Learners, with six different languages represented.
- Nearly 20% of students have an Individualized Educational Plan.
Successes include NHCS’s continuous positive collaboration and partnership with Robla School District. NHCS participates in the Robla Resilience Project, focusing on taking action to deal with systemic racism in the community, cultural sensitivity, and anti-racist practices. Areas of need to address in the 2021-2024 school years are social emotional issues, learning gaps, assessments, and resource availability, including staffing and materials. Details and metrics on goals include:
Some current highlights from the action steps include provision of two Chromebooks for each student (one at school and one for home use), Summer
School 2022 Program, Enrichment classes (most recently a Robotics course has been added), implementation of the Healthy Kids Survey and another survey developed by the NHCS Counselor, parent empowerment classes, and a field trip to CSUS.
The Board had the opportunity to ask Bryan and Herinder questions and learn further details on the financial reports and plan documents.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the updated Second Interim Financial Report Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:54 pm
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS LCAP.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:55 pm
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the NHCS Safe Return to School Plan. Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:55 pm
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the NHCS ESSER III Expenditure Plan. Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:56 pm
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the proposal.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:57 pm
Next Board Meeting May 2 at 4:30 pm
VII. Adjournment
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The meeting was adjourned at 5:57 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School
March 21, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes Date and Time:
March 14, 2022 j 4:30 pm
Location :
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:42 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, March 14 at 4:41 pm al 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong:
o lA.ltn a 9C1IOC».
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:45 pm (approximate)
Nopublic comment on items not on the agenda.
Ill . Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from December 13, 2021
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the prior Board Meeting. Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong:
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:47 pm
(September and January); data from Spring 2021 English Learner Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) and the formative English Learner Formative Observation Assessments (ELFA) show our 46 English Learners have diverse English Language Development (ELD) needs. NHCS is meeting these needs with a system of interventions and supports that are promoting progress.
The Board had the opportunity to ask Bryan and Herinder questions and learn further details on the financial reports.
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the Second Interim Financial Report Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kirn Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong:
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:05 pm (approximate)
VII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Herinder Pegany
Executive Director, New Hope Charter School
March 19, 2022
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
December 13, 2021 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:53 pm Name of presiding officer: Kim Howard
Kim Howard called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, December 13, 2021 at 4:53 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Jeff Kreiser: Present
Lisa Fong: Present
Kim Howard: Present
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, New Hope Charter School
⚫ Bryan Adams (Abacus Education Partners)
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: (Not yet present)
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:55 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: Meeting Minutes from November 8, 2021
Lisa Fong made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the prior Board Meeting. Seconded: Kim Howard
Jeff Kreiser: (Not yet present)
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:56 pm
documents in detail. The documents covered the First Interim:
Revenue, Expenses, & Fund Balance
Detail Financial Projection
Enrollment & ADA Assumptions (through 12th Grade, 26-27 school year) ⚫ Balance Sheet
Facility Rent Expense
Staffing Assumptions
The following school year, a budget surplus is anticipated to come with an increase in enrollment. Fundraising efforts are in the works through grants and donations from investors. A new loan will likely be needed in July. Bryan has been working closely with Gerardo Castillo, CPA for Robla School District. Some collaborations include transportation costs and the ability to rent four of the NHCS classrooms not currently in use, as well as a restroom, to Glenwood Elementary while they undergo their own site construction.
The Board had the opportunity to ask Bryan and Herinder questions and learn further details on the financial reports.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to approve the First Interim Financial Report
Seconded: Lisa
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:30 pm
Board members, please visit the school site. Herinder will send out their bell schedule.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong-Fong
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School December 13, 2021
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
November 8, 2021 | 4:30 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 4:32 pm
Name of presiding officer: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 4:32 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Jeff Kreiser: Present
Lisa Fong: Present
Kim Howard: Present
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
All members participated via Zoom conference meeting
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, New Hope Charter School Bryan Adams (Abacus Education Partners)
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: 4:33 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: No Items to Approve
staffing needs. Currently 142 students are enrolled. The numbers may change when the facility opens for in-person learning soon. Positive relationships with each student, families, and Robla School District continue to be a strength. Two staffing changes are off to a solid start, impacting both general and special education students.
Projection details Revenue, Expenses, Net Surplus (Deficit), and Cash Flow for the Adopted Budget and Latest Projection. He is in conversation with potential lenders. The Budget Metrics details Finance, Enrollment, and Personnel. So far, the student attendance rate has been good at 96.5%. In the next month, we will approve the first Interim Report to Robla School District. We will also learn of the ESSER funds that will become available.
The Board discussed adopting the Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators for two of the teaching assignments. The Declaration would be submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to secure two Limited Assignment Permits (one for Single Subject and one for Special Education).
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators.
Seconded: Jeff Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: 5:24 pm
The next Board Meeting is December 6 at 4:30 pm. If possible, the meeting will be in
person so we can visit the school site and see its progression.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:28 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jong. Fong
Lisa Jong-Fong
Secretary, New Hope Charter School November 8, 2021
New Hope Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
August 4, 2021 | 5:00 pm
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
All participants attended via Zoom video conference.
Time the meeting was convened: 5:10 pm Name of presiding officer: Jeffrey Kreiser
Jeff Kreiser called the meeting of the Board of Directors of New Hope Charter School to order on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 5:10 pm at 201 Jessie Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95838.
Jeff Kreiser: Present
Lisa Fong: Present
Kim Howard: Present
Board Members Present via Teleconferences
Non-voting Members Present
Guests Present
Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, New Hope Charter School
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the agenda items.
Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time carried: approximately 5:12 pm
No public comment on items not on the agenda.
III. Consent Agenda Items: No Items to Approve
Executive Director Herinder Pegany shared the temporary facility agreement and loan from Robla School District. The necessary loan amount has changed from the assessments presented in April, per delays from SMUD. More funds are needed for site preparations. The funds will allow temporary power to portable classrooms. Another 4-5 weeks of construction is needed until NHCS classrooms will be available (estimated by October). Approval needed for the facility agreement and loan from the Robla School District to LLC, an amount not to exceed the amount specified in the Development Budget, currently listed as approximately $2,042,227.51. Additionally, Robla School District will consider voting to approve contributing near $200K toward the investment of facilities improvements at their Board Meeting on Thursday, August 5, at 5:30 pm.
California Charter Schools Joint Powers Authority (CharterSAFE) - Approval of Resolutions needed to join California Charter Schools Joint Powers Authority (CharterSAFE). We would authorize an application to the Director of Industrial Relations, State of California, for a certificate of content to self-insure workers' compensation liabilities.
District to LLC, an amount not to exceed the amount specified in the Development Budget, currently listed as approximately $2,042,227.51.
Kim Howard made a motion to approve the facility agreement and loan. Seconded: Lisa Fong
Jeff Kreiser: Aye
Kim Howard: Aye
Lisa Fong: Aye
The Board VOTED to approve the motion.
Time Carried: approximately 5:45 pm
agreement and resolution.
Jeff Kreiser made a motion to