Robla New Hope Charter School

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Safety and Wellness » Student Mental Health

Student Mental Health

Hi, welcome to our Mental Health page. On this page you’ll find resources on crisis situations, suicide prevention resources, and overall mental health support. Although seeking help may feel uncomfortable and scary, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. Mental Health Services are confidential. Please see from our resources below. 


  1. Suicide Prevention: Please call 988 or 800 273-8255 (24 hour crisis line. 
  2. Mental Health Counseling Services: Please contact your insurance provider. 
  3. Sacramento ACCESS Team (for Mental health referrals) 916 875-1055
  4. Please call New Hope Charter: 916 649-5077 Ext. 201


Additional Online Resources:


  1. Heartland Child and Family Services: 811 Grand Ave., Sacramento (916) 922-9868
  2. Pacific Clinic: 3840 Rosin Ct. Sacramento. 916 921 0828
  3. La Familia Counseling: Offers many services to families. Contact:(916) 452-3601
  4. Sacramento County Mental Health Access line: 916 875-1055 (For Medi-cal and non insured families). Parents need to call/ be involved. 

Please Click on the following links to learn more about mental health services: