Robla New Hope Charter School

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Organization Chart and Decision Making Matrix


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Origin of New Hope Charter School

New Hope Charter School arose out of a collaborative desire between the Robla School District and New Hope founders to create continued learning pathways for the students and families of Robla Elementary School District.  The founders felt that in order to best serve the needs of this community, educators needed training tailored to the community’s specific needs.  The New Hope Teacher Alliance division within New Hope Charter School was envisioned to provide Robla and the surrounding region with context-driven professional learning, teacher and administrator credentialing, and ongoing support.  This work may occur through both traditional teacher preparation programs and community-based support resources.  By preparing educators to serve Californian students in a high-need context, New Hope prepared educators will be amply ready to serve all learners across our diverse state.

Organizational Charts and Narrative Description

New Hope Charter School is working in deep collaboration with its charter school authorizer, the Robla School District, not only for the new school but also to create an innovative teacher preparation pipeline with the New Hope Teacher Alliance division.  The vision for New Hope Teacher Alliance is to provide context-embedded and job-embedded training and credentialing programs that will serve both the New Hope Charter School and the Robla School district.  This is why you can see the Robla Superintendent as a dotted line on the organizational chart below.  Ongoing stakeholder engagement has occurred with Robla School District stakeholders as documented in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Notes.  As noted in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan, the initial stakeholder engagement process will culminate in standing advisory councils for the programs that New Hope Teacher Alliance is offering, once approved.  As noted in the Decision Making Matrix below,  the advisory councils will have input on a number of program areas, including program review, data and program impact analysis, program changes, and further stakeholder input processes.

As you can see in the organizational chart below, Herinder Pegany will serve as the Executive Director of the New Hope Charter School, with direct oversight of New Hope Teacher Alliance as a division within the charter school.  Similarly, the New Hope Board will serve as the Governing Board for the charter school, including the Teacher Alliance division.  In the decision-making matrix below, you can see the type of decisions the Executive Director will be making and those that will be made at the Board level. Overall, the Executive Director of the New Hope, Herinder Pegany, will be responsible for ongoing oversight of all educator preparation programs offered by New Hope and the Board will hold him accountable for those responsibilities.  


New Hope Charter School Organizational Chart 

with New Hope Teacher Alliance Detail

New Hope Charter School Organization ChartNew Hope Teacher Alliance Org. Chart

At New Hope Charter School, the Executive Director reports to the New Hope Charter School Board of Directors and to the Board of Robla School District. The Principal of New Hope Charter School reports directly to the Executive Director, as do all operations personnel. For the purposes of the remainder of this narrative, we are focusing on the reporting structure of the Teacher Alliance and not the entire charter school.   At New Hope Teacher Alliance, the unit head is the Executive Director, under which there are two divisions, the Preliminary Programs and the Induction Programs, each with an Associate Director.  Herinder Pegany, Executive Director, will be responsible for ongoing oversight of all educator preparation programs offered and the Associate Directors of each of these two divisions will be responsible for the coordination of educator preparation programs in their division.  The two Associate Directors and the Student Services Credential Analyst report directly to the Executive Director. 

The Associate Director of the Preliminary Programs will be responsible for the coordination and daily operation of the Preliminary Teacher Intern Credential program, including supervising faculty, including adjunct faculty, coordinating with the field supervisors, monitoring program quality, CTC compliance, and assessment.  The Associate Director of the Induction programs, Amanda Goldman, will be responsible for the coordination and daily operation of both the Teacher Induction program and the Administrator Induction program, including monitoring the quality of professional learning, both internally provided and external, supervising Induction Coaches, monitoring program quality, CTC compliance, and assessment.  Currently, the plan is to open the Induction Programs first and Amanda Goldman will serve as the Associate Director for those programs.  Amanda Goldman will also be taking the lead on developing additional pipelines and support programs to bring community-based candidates into the classroom.  The Student Services Credential Analyst will work in collaboration with the Associate Directors to determine candidates who have completed all requirements and met standards for the credential they are seeking.  The Student Services Credential Analyst is responsible for the credential recommendations.  The Student Services Credential Analyst reports directly to the Executive Director.