Robla New Hope Charter School

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Note: New Hope Charter School is currently pursuing accreditation by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. No programs requiring CTC approval will be offered until New Hope Charter School receives Stage IV approval.
Once approved, programs will be offered under the New Hope Teacher Alliance division of New Hope Charter School.
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Mission Statement

New Hope Charter School, Teacher Alliance division, develops a diverse pool of educators to become equity-driven change-makers in their communities. Our focus is on improving teacher and leader knowledge and skills in equity-centered instruction and cross-curricular, foundational literacy instruction. The themes of a human-centered approach, intentionally designed systems, and pedagogy and practice underpin our rigorous, standards-based curriculum. Through this research-based, standards-aligned approach, job-embedded learning, and brave learning environments, our graduates emerge with the skills and knowledge to teach, lead, and serve all students.

Vision Statement

New Hope envisions a world where the inherent value of each human being is truly seen, every person is nurtured to reach their potential, and educators are leaders who disrupt and dismantle the inequitable patterns in schools.